
Walking Football

Walking Football is the newest version of the beautiful game, and probably the slowest! But despite its relaxed pace, Sport England say that it’s the fastest-growing sport in the country. It was originally designed to help people aged 50+ battle isolation and inactivity by boosting general wellbeing – and its popularity shows that its clearly doing its job.

Why play Walking Football?

So whether you’re a lad or lassie, if you'd like to feel a healthier and make new friends, then Walking Football could be exactly what you're looking for. It’s a great workout for everyone, and some diabetics have even been told that after a period of playing Walking Football their ratios have reduced substantially and they're no longer on the danger list. The laughter during games is infectious and continues long after the final whistle with a cup of coffee or two.

Mark's story

Not only did Mark start up a ladies walking team he also shares the social and mental health benefits of playing.

Filmed in 2019